With a focus on an engaging and safe learning day for all in our building, the following are guidelines for ALL visitors.
- For visitors joining our learning community as a volunteer, a background check must be submitted and verified prior to appointed date and time of visit. Find the Bloomfield Hills background check form here.
- Meetings with staff are by appointment only.
PARKING LOT: Arrival and dismissal traffic flow is restricted to pathways and designated areas. See our traffic / parking map here.
- All elementary buildings are nut restricted.
- No edible treats for individual birthday or celebatory events.
- Any food items utilized in the school must be pre-packaged with a nutritional label with all ingredients listed.
DISMISSAL CHANGE: For any change to a routine dismissal plan, parent/guardian must submit this form on the day of student dismissal change.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES "BELL TO BELL, NO CELL": Students' cell phones and smartwatches are to be stored in backpacks/lockers during school hours. Please note: Lockers do not lock.
- When students need to make contact with a family member they are able to call from their classroom or main office.
- Students observed using their personal electronic device, staff will bring it to the main office to be stored until end of day. Device may be picked up at the end of the school day by a parent/guardian.
- This policy reduces distractions during the school day. Additionally, it keeps the adults in the building informed if your child is not feeling well or needs assistance.